"In human life, the guru's place is pre-eminent. By keeping utmost faith in the guru alone, everything is obtained. A devotee's entire strength is due to his guru. Devotion to the guru is superior to devotion to gods and goddesses. The guru is the supreme being."


Madhavrao Deshpande (Shyama)
Introduction and Birth details:
Madhavrao deserves special place among the devotees of Sri Sai Baba. Baba himself reiterated this several times. Once Baba told him that their relationship is for 72 lives. Baba used to send Shyama as his representative whenever people requested him to attend any major household functions. Such is the importance of Madhavrao Deshpande. He had utmost faith in Baba. His faith was undisturbed even in the mist of adversity. When he was bitten by a snake and about to die even then his faith towards Baba was indescribable. He is the perfect example and lived the life of Shradda and Sabhuri. We are really blessed to learn about such a person and Baba’s blessings will be always with us.

Madhavrao Deshpande might have born around 1860. Sai named him as Shyama. He was born in Nimon village of Ahamadnagar district. He grew up there until age2. His father got married three times without any children. Then he gets married to sister of one by name Laxman Kulkarni in Shirdi village. Then he had 3 boys. Shyama was the oldest. His 2 brothers were Kashinath and Bapaji Balwant, By age 3, Shyama’s father moved his family to Shirdi. 

Shyama had his elementary education in Marathi school. He finished 6th grade. He joins as a teacher in the same school later. He reportedly did not learn either Sanskrit or English. Being a village teacher he was well respected. In those days teachers were respected really well. This school was next to Dwarakamai. At that time the masjid was dilapidated. One of the Circle Inspector donated the rooms for the school. Later years Radhakrishna Aai used to live there. After that this became the place for Baba’s Horse Shyamasundar.

Pujyasri B V Narasimha Swami ji interviewed Shyama in 1938 and gave us some details. Shyama was probably approaching 80 years of age at that time. Through Sai leela magazine, khaparde dairy and other sources gave us lot of details about Madhavrao Deshpande.  Shyama did not realize the greatness of Baba for several years. Shyama while working as a school teacher, sometimes used to sleep in the school. Through the window of the school he used to observe Baba’s routine. Baba sometimes used to sit in Marurhi Temple near the masjid. He used to go for Bikshaw (Alms). Some times Shyama heard different languages from the Dwarakamai such as Hindi, Urdu, Persian, English and Marathi. Baba was observed to be alone during those times. At times he used to dance with bells in his legs and sing songs in a rhythmic way. He showed all kinds of talents. He used to use 2 earthen pots to water the plants. This was his routine as described by Shyama.

Shyama’s family details:
Madhavrao got married twice. His first wife was Savitribai. He had one son, Eknathpant, from her. Madhavrao’s second wife was Dwarkabai. They had two sons - Jagannathpant and Uddhavrao  and a daughter – Babitai. Uddavrao was the only one who frequently accompanied his father to visit Baba. Baba also loved Uddavrao very much and used to give sweets and other food items. He did not want to go to school even at the age of 6. Shyama was worried that he was not showing interest in studies. One day he ran after him to discipline and Uddavrao ran to Baba. Baba told Shyama that he will take care of him and not to worry. As promised, Uddavrao later worked as a Priest for Shirdi Sansthan for number of years. There was no mention of other kids in relation to Sai. Madhavrao was tall, well-built and very healthy. His complexion was wheatish. Up to the age of 72, he did not suffer from any ailments. He did not suffer even from simple maladies like fever or head-ache.

Shyama’s Work details:
 After completing his education, he taught in the village Marathi school, as an Assistant Teacher, for a few years. Nana Ratna Parkhe was his Headmaster and superior. One Laxman Master was another teacher above him. When Madhavrao started working in the school, his age was about 14-15. Madhavrao worked as a teacher for five or six years. He gave up that place, when he was transferred from Shirdi. 

After resigning the teacher job, till the end of his life, he worked as a village doctor. He used to give medicines after taking Baba’s name. Madhavrao was an expert at diagnosing various diseases and knowing properties of various medicines. He was also very good at diagnosing the ailment by merely feeling the pulse. He had gained the knowledge on his own and did not learn it from anyone. He carried a stock of Indian and foreign medicines. He could earn some money by practicing medicines. He used to mix Baba’s Udi in the medicines. Besides, he also used to refer to books on Ayurveda from time to time. He used medicines manufactured in the factories. He also prepared some of the medicines himself. 

Madhavrao had some income from a piece of land at village Nimon as well as from his medical practice. He did not use any of the medicines for himself. He always relied on Baba for every ailment. After a while, he started taking care of visitors who came to see Baba. He helped them in arranging lodging and communicated their needs to Baba. In this way he worked relentlessly all his life in serving Baba. Everyone gave similar kind of respect as they used to give Baba.


Shyama Part 2

Faith in Baba:
Madhavrao was observing Sai for several years but never had faith. He used to go to him to smoke Chilim (Cigar) and thought that he is a mad Fakir. He was unable to recognize greatness of Sai. He used to worship his God Vishnu every day. His routine was doing worship in the morning, teaching kids at school and helping others in need. He was living a pious life. While Baba was there he almost did not recognize Baba for16 years. When he was 31 years of age, few incidents made him realize this fact.

Chidambara keshav Gadgil of Ahamadnagar District came to Shirdi. He was a secretary to the District Collector. He was told by a Guru from his place that there is a great Guru in Shirdi and to have his blessings. Then he approached Shyama. Shyama told him that we do not have any such great person.  But we have a mad Fakir living in a masjid. Gadgil went to see Baba with some questions in his mind. Baba told him that he is a Mad Fakir and he should not see him. He should go and worship the guru in BhimashankarTemple. Then Gadgil realized how Sai was and he knew everything they talked about.

Another time, Shyama and Naduram Marwadi went to meet a swami by name Ananda Swami in a nearby place. After the meeting, Swami realized that they are from Shirdi and he wanted to come with them to meet Baba. He praised Baba as the Greatest Guru. 

In a similar way, Gangaghir Baba who is adored by Shirdi village, praised Baba as a Jewel. Devidas and Janakidas always enjoyed the company of Sai. After all these incidents, Shyama started seeing Sai as person with some powers. What changed him was another incident where a devotee of Sai sent a Money order of 2 rupees. But Sai was not there to take the money, Shyama signs for this and wanted to test Baba. So he hid 2 rupees in a secret place in the Masjid. Shyama had a break in and lost about 200 rupees worth of objects. Then he goes to Baba and complains that he lost all this. Then Baba says, “You have at least me to complain about your stolen stuff, but who should I report about my 2 rupees which was stolen 6 months ago”. Then Shyama realized that Baba knows everything. He never again doubted Baba again in his entire life. There is so much to learn from Shyama’s devotion to Baba and how we need to trust Baba in every situation.

Baba calling Madhavrao “Shyama”:
 Baba called Madhavrao “Shyama” and he told him at one point that their relationship is of 72 lives. Baba made Shyama as his representative and used to love him so much. Their relationship was like Lord Shiva and Nandi. To reach Shiva you have to go through Nandi first. In a similar way, people used to request Shyama first and then were able to see Baba. 

Why Baba called him Shyama? Baba should only know the answer. Shyama means Lord Krishna. Sacred River Yamuna is called as Shyama. In Ashwamedha Yagna, the horse is named as Shyamakarna. Sri Ramanananda Maharshi interviewed Manohar Marthand (Grandson of Mhalsapati) and he told him about Shyama’s name. Baba used to call the school as Sala and Madhavrao worked as a master in school. So Baba combined the first letters of Sala and Master as Sama (Shyama). Only Baba will know the real reason why he called him Shyama. Baba used to call him as “Maza Shamya” (“My Shamya” in Marathi) with great affection. At other times He would call him just Shyama

Once Shyama had faith in Baba, he never looked back and became a staunch devotee of Baba. In every walk of life, he asked Baba for direction and never wanted to do anything without Sai’s permission. He served Baba as his God and Baba was everything for him. That’s why Baba was very close to Shyama. Shyama always felt comfortable asking some difficult questions. Now Let us look at those circumstances.

Baba’s comments about 72 hours Samadhi:
When Baba came back following 3 days of Samadhi, people rejoiced and celebrated. But Shyama was different and he asked Baba several questions. He asked Baba “Deva! Where did you go? What did you do?

Then Baba replied “I went to Allah and I did not want to come back. But Gadadhar from Bengal wanted to merge in God first. Allah asked me to take all his past good deeds and his cause. So I have to come back to follow this”.

This incident happened in 1886 and Baba comes back at 3 AM and the same night Rama Krishna Parama Hamsa leaves his body at 1.02 AM. After this incident, Baba’s miracles extended beyond Shirdi and other states. So many devotees experienced Baba’s grace.

Shyama experiencing the 3 divine worlds:
One day Shyama was sitting with Baba and asked him whether Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva’s worlds are real. Baba told him to come near him and places his hand over his head. Then Shyama could see Brahma Lok and most beautiful diamond studded throne on which Lord Brahma was sitting along with his ministers. He was holding his court. Baba told him Shyama this is Satya Lok. Then baba showed him Vaikunta and Kailasa also. Shyama was overwhelmed by seeing all these divine worlds at once. He was like Arjuna after seeing Viswarupa of Krishna. So Shyama was very blessed by our Sai Krishna. After showing the three divine worlds, Sai again emphasized “Shyama all this is not for us, our goal is quiet unusual.”

Baba was reminding us that our goal is self-realization and we should never forget this goal. The scriptures say that who ever forgets this goal, it’s like they committed suicide.

Baba’s explanation of Bridge in Ramayana:

Sai Baba replied, "Yes this is true. The sea is real and Lord Rama was really there."

Shyama inquired, "Deva, where did so many monkeys sit? And how did they sit?

Sai Baba replied, "They sat on the trees and clung to the branches. They looked like myriads of ants."

Then Shyama asked Sai Baba, which perhaps only he could lovingly dare, "Did you see this with your own eyes?"

Sai Baba replied, "Yes, yes I saw them with my own eyes, Shyama."

Shyama again said what only he could lovingly dare, "When I first saw You, You hardly had stubble of mustache (a popular way in India to suggest youngsters). Then how and when did you go to see 'Vanara Sena (troops of monkeys)."

Sai Baba replied, "Shamyaa (as He lovingly called Shama) you and I have been together for many generations. I remember them but you do not."

In wonders Shyama asked, "How old were you then?"

Sai Baba, "Just as you see me now."

Shyama could not grasp the immensity of this spiritual fact or truth. He persisted, "Is this really true?"

Sai Baba as always, "Have I ever lied sitting here in the Dwarkamai? What I say is true. I swear by you."

Shyama did a great favor by asking these questions and we are blessed to read these answers that were given by our Sai Samardha.

 Shyama snores Baba’s name:
G.S Kaparde wrote in his famous book (Kaparde’s Dairy; dated December 8th, 1911, Friday) as follows; 

“I saw with my own eyes, & heard with my own ears what I only read about but never experienced that with every outgoing & in drawing breath of Madhavrao Deshpande comes the clear sound of “Sayin Nath Maharaj Sayin Nath Baba” This sound is as clear as clear can be & when Madhavrao snores, the words can be heard even at a distance. This is really wonderful & he is in deep sleep all the time.”

This is incredible and amazing to read about this. Imagine how blessed Shyama is!

He was able to recite Baba’s name even in his sleep. 


Shyama Part 3

Collection of Sacred books:
Baba gave some books to Shyama to save them for the future. Some of the devotees wanted to bring their books so that Baba can bless them. Sometimes Baba did not give the same book that they wanted. He gave some other book to their surprise. He knows what we need and when we should read a particular book. This way he gave few books to Shyama. He predicted that lots of people will come to Shirdi and they will do Jnaana Yagna (Recitation of sacred books). Then all these books will become handy. If we study these scriptures with devotion our minds will automatically think about Baba.

Books given to Shyama by Baba:
These are some of the books given to Shyama by Baba.
 Eknath Bhagavath, Vishnu Sahasranama, Viveka Sindhu, Santh Leelamrut, Bhakta Leelamrut, Pancha Ratna gita, Dasavatara Sthotras and Dasavatara pictures.
Vishnu Sahasranama – Ramadasi Sadhu Story:
Just as Shyama was an ardent devotee, so was Baba’s love for him. A desire, therefore, arose in Baba to put him to some regular practice for his spiritual progress.

The story from Satcharita goes as follows;

One day, in the masjid, there was a Ramdasi Bua. It was his regular practice to read the Ramayana. Early morning, after doing his ablutions, taking his bath and doing theSandhya after applying the sacred ashes and wearing ochre robes, he sat at a fixed place to read.
He read the Vishnusahasranama and Adhyatma Ramayan6, thereafter. He read these books often and often. Madhavrao’s services had borne fruit. It was time now to put him into some regular practice and give him some prasad of the path of devotion, so that he would get relief in the worldly life. When Baba thought like this, he called the Ramdasi near him and said: “I have a shooting pain in my stomach. It is as if the intestines are tearing apart. Go, this pain in the stomach is not abating. Quickly bring some senna pods. Unless I take some small quantity, this vexing ache will not stop.”

After he left the Masjid, Baba took Vishnusahasranama book and gave it to Madhavrao (Shyama). Baba then said: “Shyama, you know thispothi. See it is very beneficial. Therefore, I am giving it to you. You should read it. Once I suffered intensely. My heart began to palpitate. I was restless and I had no hope for myself. Shyama what can I tell you of that experience? How that book proved useful! This life was saved by it. I hugged it to my heart for a while and immediately felt relief. It seemed as if Allah himself had come down and this life was saved by it. Therefore Shyama take it with you. Read it gradually. Every day, take one or two words. It will give you great joy.” Shama said: “I do not want it. The Ramdasi will be furious with me and he will say that I have behind his back, done this wrong. As it is, he is half-crazy, irascible, ill-tempered and ever complaining. Why, unnecessarily, pick up this quarrel with him? I do not want this annoyance. Besides, the pothi is in Sanskrit. My speech is crude and rustic. My tongue cannot twist round these joined words. I cannot pronounce them clearly”. Seeing all Baba’s actions, Shyama thought that Baba wanted to set him up against the Ramdasi but he had no idea of Baba’s heart-felt concern for him.

That Ramadasi returned soon bringing the senna-pods medicine. And found out what happened. The Ramdasi was, as it is, ill-tempered. Moreover, he had suspicions about Madhavrao. He said: “He made Baba the intermediary to snatch away my book”. He launched a vicious verbal attack on Madhavrao. His violent anger was uncontrollable and he showered a lot of abusive language on him. “The stomach ache was just a pretext. It was you who instigated Baba. You had an eye on my book. I will not tolerate it. I am a fearless Ramdasi, as my name itself suggests. If you do not return the book without creating any problems, I will dash my head in front of you and scatter my blood profusely. You coveted my book, planned out this insidious drama, and putting the whole blame on Baba, kept yourself aloof”. Madhavrao tried his best to make him understand but the Ramdasi would not be pacified.

Then listen to what Madhavrao said very calmly. “Do not falsely accuse me of being deceitful. Why are you fussing so much about that book of yours? It is not a rarity. Is your book decorated with gold and studded with gems? If you don’t have faith in Baba, despicable is your existence”.

Seeing the Ramdasi’s insistence, Baba very sweetly said to him: “Oh, Ramdasi, what is the problem? Why are you unnecessarily distressed?

Is not Shyama our lad? Why do you quarrel loudly and vehemently, for no reason creating a scene? Why are you always ready to fight? Can you not speak soft and sweet words? Though you read these books regularly, your mind is still impure.

Every day you read the Adhyatma Ramayan and recite the Sahasranama. Yet you have not discarded your passions which are uncontrolled. And you call yourself a Ramdasi! What kind of a Ramdasi are you? You should be absolutely detached; but you are not able to overcome your intense desire to possess the book. What name can be given for this behavior? A true Ramdasi should have no attachment but look at the young and old with equality. You are harboring enmity for this boy and coming to blows for this book! Go and sit in your place. Books can be had in plenty for money but not men, till the end of time. Remember this well. Shyama has no knowledge about the worth of your book. I picked it up, on my own and gave it to him myself. You know the book by heart. I thought of giving it to Shyama who will read it, repeatedly recite it and obtain the utmost benefit”.

Ramdasi realized the situation. Yet he said to Madhavrao with anger: “Instead of this book, I will take Panch-ratni Gita from you. I am telling you clearly now”. Madhavrao was pleased that the Ramdasi was pacified. “Why one, I will give you ten copies of theGita,        instead.” Be it so. The dispute was thus resolved. The Gita was accepted as security.

But why did a man unacquainted with the deity in the Gita demand it?
One who constantly read the Adhyatma Ramayan in front of Sai, why should that Ramdasi be rude to Baba and quarrel right in front of him?

Later on, Shyama’s faith was developed. Dixit and Narke taught him to pronounce the words correctly, by repeating and conning them over and over again and to know their meanings. He learnt the book by heart.

Here Baba gave us an important lesson and told us about the greatness of Vishnu Sahasranama.  

Baba said that he will tie the necklace of this Vishnusahasranama around Shyama’s neck to free him from the miseries of the worldly existence by giving him a fondness for reciting it.

God’s Name can break down mountains of sin.

The Lord’s Name breaks the shackles of the body.

God’s Name pulls out millions of ill desires from their roots.

God’s Name humbles the pride of death and ends the cycle of birth and death.

The Lord’s Name chanted with full intent is very effective but even an unintentional pronouncement can be beneficial. Its power is manifested even when it is uttered unawares.

For the purification of the Inner Self there is not another simpler means than chanting the Lord’s Name.

The Lord’s Name is the adornment of the tongue.

The Lord’s Name sustains spirituality.

It is not necessary to have a bath to say the Lord’s Name.

Taking the Lord’s Name is not regulated by the rules of the Shastras (Scriptures).

The Lord’s Name destroys all sins.

The Lord’s Name is always pure.

The continuous chanting of My Name itself will ferry you across the ocean of existence. No other means are necessary to achieve salvation.

Whoever frequently repeats My Name, his sins will be burnt. I consider him more virtuous than the virtuous, whoever constantly hums my name’.

Shyama’s Life after Baba’s Mahasamadhi:

After Baba's Mahasamadhi, Shyama was asked to manage the Dixit wada. He was looking after the welfare of the devotees and resided in Dixit wada itself. After the formation of Sai Sansthan Committee, the Committee demanded agreement from him for his residence in Dixit wada. Shyama first refused. But later, Shri S. B. Dhumal and Shri B. V. Dec intervened and Madhava Rao gave the agreement.

After some days, the committee had vacated Shyama from his residence in Dixit Wada. Whne he was leaving, he took Baba's silver Padukas, Baba's Photos etc. to his house from Dixit wada. After knowing this, the Committee asked Madhava Rao to hand over the above articles of Baba to the Sansthan. He refused to give it to them. He told them that Baba gave it to him with love and he cannot return them. But Shri S. B, Dhumal went to his house with a big procession of bhajan, band etc. On seeing this procession Madhava Rao handed over all the above articles of Baba to Shri S. B. Dhumal. These Baba's Padukas were placed before Baba's Photo in Dwarakamayee wherein millions of devotees are taking darshan these Padu­kas. In a similar way other articles were also preserved. 

Shyama then lived in his home and used to worship Baba. He shared his experiences with visitors. He also had some udi which was given to him directly by Baba. He used to give it to people and helped them in difficulties. He lived in Shirdi until he died in April of 1940.   



  1. hi , i am Rahul Madhukar deshpande nd im 32 years old
    nd glad to say that shree sai baba param bhakt shama deshpande ( Madhavrav Balvant Deshpande ) is may ancestor nd till we have the Ganesh Murti in Shirdi which given by Sai Baba to the shama
    * SHAMA (Madhavrao) Deshpande family tree is given below,

    Shama (Madhavrao) Deshpande ( have 3 son )



  2. Glad to know more about SHYAMA,a close associate of Baba in Shirdi, and a few miracles of SAI through this write up.Suggest...Collect details of all close devotees of Baba and make available to all through a book. SAIRAM

  3. This post is wonderful❤️
    Brings tears to my eyes. My father was a simple Sai Bhakta who passed away on Thursday. I have experienced Sai Baba's divine help all the time. Just a mere THANKYOU is not enough for this beautiful post. God bless you. JAI SAINATH💟
